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/ NeXT Education Software Sampler 1992 Fall / NeXT Education Software Sampler 1992 Fall.iso / Demos / DE_Wingz / Tutorials / TestFlight / TestFlgt.wkz (.txt)
Wingz Spreadsheet  |  1992-04-28  |  13KB  |  158 lines

  1. WNGZWZSS0110
  2. Geneva
  4. Geneva    @&
  5. 1Stone Serif
  6. computer
  8. TFFiles/TF.scz5
  9. TestFlgt.wkz5
  10. tf.scz
  11. pathRoot
  12. assignWindowValues
  13. Haitham
  14. tfnotice
  15. sheetName
  16. fullPathLength
  17. tempPathRoot
  18. TMcheck
  19. define sheetName,fullPathLength,tempPathRoot,TMcheck, Temp
  20. on activate
  21.     unselect
  22.     {store temporary sheet name to define tempPathRoot to get script tf.scz}
  23.     sheetName = name()
  24.     fullPathLength = length(sheetName)
  25.     tempPathRoot = left(sheetName,fullPathLength - 12)
  26.     {get script tf.scz, using tempPathRoot for establishing the correct path name}
  27.     get script tempPathRoot & "TFFiles/TF.scz"
  28.     {set permanent path root, which is stored in script tf.scz, 
  29.      and other tf.scz variables}
  30.     tf.scz:pathRoot = tempPathRoot;
  31.     call tf.scz:assignWindowValues();
  32.     IF TF.scz:Haitham
  33.         go to window tempPathRoot&"TestFlgt.wkz";
  34.         TF.scz:Haitham = FALSE()
  35.     END IF
  36. end activate
  37. on idle
  38.     if TMcheck = 0
  39.         TMcheck = 1
  40.         Temp = tf.scz:tfnotice();
  41.         {if Temp
  42.             call tf.scz:windowSettings()
  43.         end if}
  44.     end if
  45. end idle
  46. New Button
  47. New Button
  48. tf.scz
  49. tfnoticecall tf.scz:tfnotice()
  50.     Helvetica
  51.     Helvetica
  52. Just for Fun
  53. Just for Fun
  54. Fun.wkz
  55. tf.scz
  56. windowMovecall tf.scz:windowMove("in","Fun.wkz")
  57. Chicago
  58. Helvetica-Bold
  59. We're in Busine
  60. We're in Business
  61. Business.wkz
  62. tf.scz
  63. windowMovecall tf.scz:windowMove("in","Business.wkz")
  64. Chicago
  65. Helvetica-Bold
  66. Charts Unlimite
  67. Charts Unlimited
  68. Charts.wkz
  69. tf.scz
  70. windowMovecall tf.scz:windowMove("in","Charts.wkz")
  71. Chicago
  72. Helvetica-Bold
  73. We're in Busine
  74. We're in Business
  75. UsingTF.wkz
  76. tf.scz
  77. windowMovecall tf.scz:windowMove("in","UsingTF.wkz")
  78. Chicago
  79. Helvetica-Bold
  80. New Button
  81. New Button
  82. tf.scz
  83. quitTFcall tf.scz:quitTF()
  84.     Helvetica
  85.     Helvetica
  86. New Button
  87. New Button
  88. Play.wkz
  89. tf.scz
  90. windowMovecall tf.scz:windowMove("in","Play.wkz")
  91.     Helvetica
  92.     Helvetica
  93. New Button
  94. @To make a selection, click one of the buttons on this worksheet.
  95. message "To make a selection, click one of the buttons on this worksheet."
  96. Chicago
  97. Chicago
  98. Chicago
  99. Times-Bold
  100. Click a button to Choose a Section:
  101. Times-Bold
  102.     helvetica
  103.     Helvetica
  104.     helvetica
  105. Art &
  106. Leisure
  107.     helvetica
  108.     Helvetica
  109.     helvetica
  110. We're in
  111. Business
  112.     helvetica
  113.     Helvetica
  114.     helvetica
  115. Using
  116. Test Flight
  117.     helvetica
  118.     Helvetica
  119.     helvetica
  120. Charts
  121. Unlimited
  122.     helvetica
  123.     Helvetica
  124.     helvetica
  125. About
  126. Test 
  127. Flight
  128.     helvetica
  129.     Helvetica
  130.     helvetica
  131. Play 
  132. Around in Wingz
  133.     helvetica
  134.     Helvetica
  135.     helvetica
  136. Test 
  137. Flight
  138.     helvetica
  139. Chicago
  140. Geneva
  141. Geneva
  142. Chicago
  143. times
  144. times
  145. times
  146. Chicago
  147. times
  148. MAIN MENU
  149. times
  150. Chicago
  151. times
  152. times
  153. Chicago
  154. Times-Bold
  155. T e s t  F l i g h t
  156. Times-Bold
  157. 8[>v;